

The information on this website (FitnessNCare.com) is for educational and entertainment purpose only, and does not constitute professional, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and should not be used as such.

We do not make any warranties, representations or health claims here. Moreover, the statements made on this website have not been approved by the FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, so using the website; you are acknowledging that you are not taking any advice, suggestion or anything such from this website without conducting a proper research, speaking to your physician and supervision first.

We want to make one point clear: There is no such thing as a miracle cure or solution. If something sounds too good to be true, always use your critical thinking and speak to your medical consultant before taking any decision.

Please note: There are few product brands mentioned on this website. The brands’ information on this website does not reflect the views of FitnessNCare.com, and belong to the trademarks of their respective companies.


Some physical exercises mentioned at FitnessNCare.com will carry some degree of risk, if you are not in good physical condition. So before taking any exercise programme, we always recommend you to consult with your medical consultant to ensure if you are physically fit to start one.

Moreover, you agree not to repeat the information that you read on FitnessNCare.com to a third party, as that third party may not have read this disclaimer and understood the conditions involved in receiving the information.

You have been warned, so you agree to indemnify FitnessNCare.com and hold us harmless (its writers, staffs, etc.) against any loss, liability, cost or expenses. If you are not happy, in that case you are most welcome to discontinue using this website.

In Summary

FitnessNCare.com do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The informational resources provided here are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and should be treated as entertainment purpose only. Always consult everything health wise you intend to do or change with your doctor. There is no such thing as a miracle cure or solution – always use your critical thinking. Any scientific data provided has outbound link to where the data has been published.